Rama Healthcare Multispecialty Hospital

Best Medicine in Siliguri

Critical Care Units are specialist hospital wards that provide treatment and monitoring for people who are very ill. They’re staffed with specially trained healthcare professionals and contain sophisticated monitoring equipment. ‘Rama Healthcare Multispecialty Hospital’ provides medical care for people who have life-threatening injuries and illnesses. It usually takes place in an intensive care unit (ICU). A team of specially-trained health care providers gives you 24-hour care. This includes using machines to constantly monitor your vital signs. Patients are admitted to the CCU for serious, acute, and/or unstable cardiac conditions that require round-the-clock monitoring and specialized cardiovascular therapy. Other patients who may require a stay in a CCU include those who: Are recovering from coronary bypass surgery. Providing care for ICU, HDU, NICU, Private, Semi-Private & General Patients backed by medical professionals.

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